Three new online courses are launching in 2023 — Sage Campus // Replace title block colour with text shadow

Three brand new online courses are launching on SAGE Campus in 2023 to support the teaching and learning of key skills and research methods.

All SAGE Campus courses contain interactive content presented with various activities to assist with your learning process. Each course is broken down into modules in an engaging format that contains videos, audios, flowcharts, quizzes, single and multiple questions, multiple activities, checklists, spreadsheets, narrative slides, tabs and more. To learn more, download our brochure and check out our pedagogy page for screencasts and screenshots from our latest courses.

Browse our new courses and register your interest for a free trial

The courses are mostly aimed at social sciences and digital humanities students, working at the undergraduate, and postgraduate levels, and early career researchers, to support the learning of skills and research methods.

The new courses will be available on February 2023 for all our customers. Librarians can request an institutional trial and faculty, researchers, and students can try free course modules by registering their interest below.

meet our instructors

  • Develop Your Search Strategy: Dr. Eric Addae-Kyeremeh is the Head of School in the School of Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport at Open University, with over 20 years of professional experience that involves teaching, research, scholarship of teaching and learning, knowledge exchange, consultancy and public engagement. He is the instructor of the SAGE Campus Critical Reading and Writing online course and joined Dr. Tom Chatfield in a webinar about Critical Thinking in the age of misinformation.

  • Cleaning Messy Data: Dr. Alessandra Vigilante is a Senior Lecturer in Bioinformatics at the Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine with a focus on genotype-phenotype interactions and data integration. She is the instructor of our Introduction to Data Management online course and joined the SAGE Campus team on a webinar to talk about strategies for managing data effectively and share some insights into how she created the course.

  • Working with Transcribed Data: Dr. Helen Kara has been an independent researcher since 1999 and an independent scholar since 2011. She writes about research methods and research ethics and teaches doctoral students and staff at higher education institutions worldwide. Her books include Qualitative Research for Quantitative Researchers and four books in the SAGE Little Quick Fix series. She's also the instructor of the SAGE Campus Do Your Interviews online course.

As a digital library product, SAGE Campus provides university-wide access to the full suite of 34 self-paced online courses worth over 280 hours of online learning for skills and research methods. Librarians can find out more about how SAGE Campus works for institutions and get a 30-day free institutional trial. Faculty members, students and researchers who would like to use SAGE Campus for their teaching or own learning can recommend SAGE Campus to their library.
