Cleaning messy data with Dr. Alessandra Vigilante
Sage Campus new Cleaning Messy Data course by Dr. Alessandra Vigilante will teach the fundamentals of cleaning data. One of the top challenges we’ve heard from faculty is that students struggle with data analysis of messy or incomplete datasets. This course will provide a clear understanding about what messy datasets are and why they need to be cleaned, as well as giving lots of practical examples.
Watch our webinar where Alessandra talks about her course and how to clean messy data.
The webinar covers the following topics:
How does one go about recognizing when a data set is messy?
Why is data cleaning important in research?
What are the methods to clean data?
Top practical tips
watch the webinar recording
MEET OUR speaker
Dr. Alessandra Vigilante is a Senior Lecturer in Bioinformatics at the Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine with a focus on genotype-phenotype interactions and data integration.
Alessandra Vigilante’s group has significant expertise and experience in the analysis and integration of large scale genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic data, and in the implementation of novel computational methods for various bespoke analyses to gain biological insights. She is actively involved in a great network of collaborations to develop multidisciplinary approaches to research efforts, working with faculty members within King’s and other research institutes.
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