

User guide for learners



User guide for learners


What is Sage Campus?
Sage Campus provides structured online learning for skills and research methods. The courses are self-paced, and instructor-led, packed with an engaging mix of video, interactives, formative assessments and more. Our user-friendly platform makes it simple for faculty to assign courses, or for students and researchers to learn autonomously - building practical skills for study, research and the workplace.

What are the topics?
The courses cover critical skills and research methods across all stages of academic study, split into 7 course areas: information literacy, getting started with data, research planning, collecting and managing data, analyzing data, reporting findings and getting published. Browse all courses on the platform.

Who is this learner guide for?
This guide is for learners: students, researchers or faculty wanting to take Sage Campus courses for their own learning. If you are a faculty member or instructor and want to use Sage Campus courses for your teaching or assign courses to learners, go to our faculty user guide.

Please note: Sage Campus is a digital library product and is not currently available for an individual subscription. Institutions or organizations can subscribe or purchase Sage Campus for institution-wide access to all of our online learning. If your institution does not have access, you can recommend Sage Campus to your library.

How to register

How to register

 how to register

If your institution has a trial or subscription to Sage Campus, you can register for an account to access all 280+ hours of online learning on the platform. To register, you just need to authenticate once as a member of your institution via IP. If you cannot authenticate by IP, you can authenticate by their other chosen authentication method. Click on the different authentication methods below for instructions. After you’ve registered, you simply log into the Sage Campus platform from anywhere using your username and password.

IP authentication (you can also be connected to your institution's IP via VPN)

  1. Ensure you're connected to your institution's IP (either on their premises or via VPN).
  2. Go to the Sage Campus platform:
  3. Click the 'Register' button at the top right of the homepage.
  4. You will automatically authenticate and be shown the registration form to complete.
  5. Complete the form, then that's it! You're ready to log in using that username and password from anywhere, anytime.


  1. Go to the EZProxy URL to the Sage Campus platform that your institution provides. If you don't have it, go to your institution's usual library resources page or contact your librarian representative.
  2. Click the 'Register' button at the top right of the homepage.
  3. You will automatically authenticate and be shown the registration form to complete.
  4. Complete the form, then that's it! You're ready to log in the the Sage Campus platform using that username and password from anywhere, anytime, and no longer have to access Sage Campus via the EZProxy URL.

Shibboleth or OpenAthens

  1. Go to the Sage Campus platform:
  2. Click the 'Register' button at the top right of the homepage.
  3. You will be taken to a 'Where Are Your From' form (screenshot 1).
  4. Begin typing your country and institution name in the drop down fields. If your institution isn’t appearing, please try all variations of the institution name. If you’re still struggling, contact:
  5. Once you’ve found your institution, you will be given authentication options to select (screenshot 2). Select your chosen method. Please note: Do not try and input a username and password into the 'Administrators and Non-Institutional Users' form (as per the screenshot.
  6. You will be temporarily redirected to your usual authentication method for your institution. Sign in using your usual credentials.
  7. You will then be authenticated and taken back to the Sage Campus platform where you will be shown the registration form to complete to create your new account with Sage Campus.
  8. Complete the form, then that's it! You're ready to log in using that username and password from anywhere, anytime.

Library Card

  1. Go to the Sage Campus platform:
  2. Click the 'Register' button at the top right of the homepage.
  3. You will be taken to a 'Where Are Your From' form (screenshot 1).
  4. Begin typing your country and institution name in the drop down fields. If your institution isn’t appearing, please try all variations of the institution name. If you’re still struggling, contact:
  5. Once you’ve found your institution, you will be given authentication options to select (screenshot 2). Select Library Card. Please note: Do not try and input a username and password into the 'Administrators and Non-Institutional Users' form (as per the screenshot.
  6. Enter your Library Card number into the field as prompted.
  7. You will then be authenticated and taken to the Sage Campus registration form to complete to create your new account with Sage Campus.
  8. Complete the form, then that's it! You're ready to log in using that username and password from anywhere, anytime.

Screenshot 1: Part 1 of the ‘Where Are You From’ form for Shibboleth, OpenAthens and Library Card authentication methods.

Screenshot 2: Part 2 of the ‘Where Are You From’ authentication for Shibboleth, OpenAthens or Library Card authentication methods.

How to enrol on courses

How to enrol on courses

 how to enrolL on courses

Once you have logged into Sage Campus, you’ll be taken to your homepage learner dashboard, explained in the next section of this guide. When you sign into the platform for the first time, you won’t have much on your dashboard, so to get started you can browse all available courses and select the course you want to take in the ‘Discover More Courses’ section.

There are two ways to access and enroll on courses:

  1. Independent learner - for learners who want to take the course for their own learning and personal development. Once you select the course you want to enroll on, simply click on the blue ‘enrol’ button (screenshot 1 below)

  2. Cohort learner - for learners who have been assigned a course by a faculty member at their institution. Assigned courses will appear on your dashboard and will be marked assigned.

Screenshot 1



 understanding the dashboard

You will get your own personalized learner dashboard on Sage Campus that shows:

  • Completed courses you have fully completed

  • In Progress courses you have made progress on but not completed

  • Not Started courses you’ve enrolled on but not yet started

  • Discover More Courses for courses you’ve not yet enrolled on

Also, on your dashboard, you can access the ‘My Profile’ section to view your personal details, account settings, the progress of all courses you’re enrolled on, and all certificates you have acquired.

You also get a badge on courses that have been Assigned - this means a faculty member or instructor at your institution assigned you the course and you enrolled on it using their magic link. They can see your progress on the course. An example of a learner dashboard showing In Progress and Not Started courses can be seen in the two screenshots below.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Progress and certificates

Progress and certificates

 progress and certificates

Each course comes with a signed certificate that unlocks when you complete the course and will be available for download at the end of the course page. You can also see all your certificates acquired under the ‘Certificates’ tab located in 'My Profile'.

Progress tracking on the dashboard
For courses to be marked as 100% complete and move from the ‘In Progress’ section to the ‘Completed’ section on your dashboard, you must complete all modules.

Progress tracking in modules
If you’re not sure why your dashboard progress isn’t at 100%, you can look within the courses themselves. When you enter a module, you can see your percentage completion for each topic (screenshot 1 below).

Screenshot 1

Download your answers and feedback

There are several ways to download your course answers and feedback.

Screenshot 2

At the end of course:

  1. Once you have completed a course module, you will see a "download responses" button at the bottom of the page.

  2. Select this button to download your module answers and feedback in a PDF format. (See screenshot 2)

On the Course Homepage:

  1. Once you have completed a course module, you will see a "download responses" button under the module on the course's homepage. (Screenshot 3)

  2. Select this button to download your module answers and feedback in a PDF format.

Screenshot 3

My Answers Page:

  1. Once you have completed a course, you will be able to download your answers and feedback via the "My Answers" button located in your My Campus navigation menu.

Screenshot 4

2. Once selected, you will be directed to page with links to your module-level answers or to download all answers. Click these links to download your answers and feedback in a PDF format.

Screenshot 5




If you have difficulty registering or have technical issues with access control, please contact your Library Administrator or the Sage support team at:

If you need any support, check out our knowledge base for answers to FAQs or to raise a new support ticket and one of the team will be in touch to help.



[ {"navLabel":"Overview", "navSection": 1 }, {"navLabel":"Register", "navSection": 2 }, {"navLabel":"Enroll on courses", "navSection": 3 }, {"navLabel":"Dashboard", "navSection": 4 }, {"navLabel":"Certificates", "navSection": 5 }, {"navLabel":"Support", "navSection": 6 } ]