Want to work with text from the web? Find out some key facts about text mining in our new video collection with Professor Rada Mihalcea.
In November 2018, to accompany the launch of our new course, Introduction to Text Mining for Social Scientists, we put together part one of our handy video collection with SAGE Campus course instructor Gabe Ignatow.
To follow up, we next spoke to the course co-author, Professor Rada Mihalcea of the Computer Science and Engineering department at the University of Michigan.
We’ve broken our interview down into short video clips to help give you a quick overview of text mining - we hope you find them useful. You can sign up now for Introduction to Text Mining for Social Scientists.
What’s the difference between text mining and text analysis?
What are the advantages and limitations of using social media to aquire data?
What advice would you give someone looking to start out in computational methods?
How can text mining and computational methods be used to detect fake news?
How will computational methods benefit social science in the future?
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